Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What time should I expect Shipshape Space's staff to arive?

Shipshape Space guarantees a specific day and approximate time for your services.

Do I need to sign a contract with Shipshape Space?

There is no need to sign a contract with Shipshape Space. However, we would encourage our client’s to review our FAQ’s. We are also available to answer any and all questions!

Does Shipshape Space like pets?

Yes! We love pets!! (If you have any special instructions regarding your pets- just let us know!)

What should I do my property has a security system or alarm?

In the even that you will not be present, we ask that you leave us with a key or any necessary alarm codes. All keys are labeled and securely kept until the day of your service. If you decide not to provide us with a key or necessary alarm code and we are unable to access your property for a scheduled service, you will be charged for the service in full.

Help... I need to reschedule my service!

Shipshape Space has a 48-hour (business day) cancelation policy. If you need to reschedule your service, we kindly ask that you do so within that timeframe to avoid our $100 cancellation fee. If you reschedule within 5 (business) days, our cancellation fee will not be charged.


Shipshape Space reserves the right to reevaluate our rates at any time. For instance; the amount of time that it takes to perform recurring services can change. Shipshape Space continually monitors and keeps track of the cleaning time in each of the homes and office spaces we maintain. We always reach out to our clients to discuss any possible price increase or service modification. (If a cleaning time deviates from the original quote.) 

How do I pay for the services that I received?

We accept Cash, Venmo, and PayPal.

Does Shipshape Space bring their own supplies?

Yes! Shipshape Space brings all of the supplies and equipment needed for your services. With the exception of any organization and storage supplies.

What about any dishes and household clutter that is out and about the day of my scheduled "Cleaning Service."

Shipshape Space does our best to put things away if we know where they belong. We will also neatly pile and place items off to the side. However, we do kindly ask that you take care of any clutter and dishes before we arrive. This way, we can devote more time to cleaning your home or office.

OOPS... I forgot to leave a key for the staff at Shipshape Space!

If we are unable to access your property for a scheduled service, payment for the service is due in full.

What if my regular scheduled service falls on a holiday?

Shipshape Space is closed on: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Easter, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day. Before an upcoming holiday, we work with our clients reschedule accordingly.